Senior Inclusive: tecnologia para além da idade
Da parceria entre a siosLIFE, o PIEP - Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros, o Centro de Computa...
Polymers are now a present element in virtually all sectors of modern life.
Its development is one of the bases of the progress of the present societies and one of the key areas for the sustainable development of our economy.

Grafico redondo
Polimeros em algum sitio
Hamburguers que se devem comer
Ecosystem of creation and transfer of knowledge
Acting as an ecosystem of value creation, the Triangle of Knowledge integrates a dynamic structure that allows, among its stakeholders, the continuous creation of innovation and progress.
Its objective encompasses economic development, industry sustainability, the absorption of specialized human resources, adoption and innovative methodologies and processes and the overall development of society;
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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Voluptates non, saepe esse aut nihil reprehenderit natus, dolore suscipit sequi ipsam sint cumque.
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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
Dolore suscipit sequi ipsam sint cumque. Voluptates non, saepe esse aut.
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Voluptates non, saepe esse aut nihil reprehenderit natus, dolore suscipit sequi ipsam sint cumque.
Alguns factos sobre o Ecossistema
Number of Research and Development Platforms in the area of Polymers in Portugal
Número de Estudantes Licenciados na área por ano
Main economic indicators on industry
Toneladas de Polimeros
Investimento (M€)

As a way of making industry and society aware of the need to invest in innovation and modernization of the economic and industrial fabric, TECH TRANSFER contemplates a wide range of initiatives and actions that promote the area of polymers, their impact on society and the desirable path for the future.
Focusing on key themes such as Circular Economy, Sustainability, Knowledge Transfer, Innovation and Human Resource Specialization, this project seeks, through a didactic and action-oriented approach, the dynamization and approximation of the actors of the ecosystem and the awareness of the Industry as “Starter” of the process of creating knowledge, innovation and progress.
For this we have prepared several initiatives and events that focus on the dynamism of industry, social awareness, the new role of higher education and research and development platforms and future scenarios for the Polymer Industry.
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Testemunho #1
In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Testemunho #2
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Testemunho #3
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Testemunho #4
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Testemunho #5
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Testemunho #6
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Sed malesuada, ante id mollis interdum, mi nunc efficitur urna, nec tincidunt nisi velit rutrum ipsum. In et elit sit amet odio rhoncus cursus ullamcorper eget eros.
Testemunho #7